Empowerment Blog

Produced by JDionne & Associates. 

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What’s your excuse for not getting into "Active" Recovery? counseling healing indigenous indigenoushealing mentalhealth mentalhealthcounseling psychotherapy therapy Aug 28, 2023

There are so many important things that go into "ACTIVE" Recovery, and we mean "Active." 

Don’t drink or use drugs. Check. Seek help. Check. Get rid of all your old ideas. Wait, what?


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Reasons why you need a recovery coach or guide. counselling healing healingcommunities indigenous indigenoushealing indigenouspeopleunite nativehealing psychotherapy therapy Sep 07, 2022

Are you in need of guidance to transition from active addiction into active recovery?

The answer is most likely YES, you just don’t know it yet!

So, here’s how my services can benefit...

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Why Canada Needs Indigenous People in Active Recovery! counselling indigenoushealing indigenouspeopleunite mentalhealthmatters motivation psychotherapy trauma Aug 15, 2022


It's more important than ever to more Indigenous People of Canada to achieve active sobriety!! 

As we can see the various governments of the world seem to be trying to improve their...

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