"Recovery Warriors" Tribe

Walk with us in the circle of Recovery Warriors, and let your voice rise in the symphony of resilience and victory over life's trials. In this sacred circle, we lift each other, guiding and empowering one another on our shared journey of healing and renewal.

What you'll gain:

  • Connection: Joining our tribe can provide opportunities for social connection, which can benefit mental health and overall well-being. We respect lived and formally acquired experience.
  • Support: "By uniting with our tribe, you join a circle of individuals who walk a similar path of challenges, offering a comforting sense of kinship and support. Together, we embrace and honour the diverse traditions that weave the rich tapestry of our urban community."
  • Encouragement: "In our tribe, every step you take is met with encouragement, propelling you forward. We firmly believe that every individual has a story to share that can uplift and inspire the entire circle."
  • Resources: "Our tribe serves as a wellspring of knowledge, offering insights, strategies, and methods for coping and healing. We engage in open and honest exchanges about our recovery journeys, sharing resources and embracing the ever-changing landscape of healing paths."

"In our circle, we understand that sharing and listening to our stories carries its weight. To walk this path safely and keep the shadow of relapse at bay, we gently remind each other to seek the guidance of counsellors when the journey gets heavy."

What People Are Saying:

"The Recovery Warriors tribe has been a lighthouse in my journey," says John, grateful for the tribe's support. "In this circle, recovery is a shared, supported experience. Their resources and wisdom have been vital in my healing. We don't just exchange stories; we share the tools and insights essential for surmounting obstacles. It's a sanctuary for renewal."


"Becoming part of the Recovery Warriors marked a new chapter in my life," reflects Emma. "Here, encouragement is as abundant as the waters of a great river, uplifting us all. This tribe has taught me the importance of healing myself and guiding others. It stands as a symbol of human resilience and unity, bonded in recovery and respect."


"Joining the Recovery Warriors was like finding a new family," shares Liza, who has found solace in the tribe. "We share our pains and victories, honouring each other's unique paths. The tribe has illuminated the strength in our diversity and the power of unity. Here, encouragement is a way of life, nurturing us every day."


"As a member of the Recovery Warriors, I've rediscovered my cultural roots," says Michael, a proud tribe member. "Their empathy and understanding resonate with the teachings of our ancestors. With their support, I've unearthed a strength and belonging that was always within me. This community values every voice, making each of our stories a vital stitch in the fabric of our collective healing."

